How To Develop And Maintain A Writing Routine

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Creating and sticking to a writing routine can be a challenging task, especially if you struggle with consistency and discipline like I sometimes do. But having a writing routine is critical if you want to improve your skills, increase your productivity, and eventually achieve your writing goals.

In this post, I'm sharing my tips on how to develop and maintain a writing routine that won't suck the life out of you.

Set realistic goals

The first step in developing a writing routine is to set realistic goals. You need a clear idea of what you want to achieve and how much time you have available to write. I find it’s best to start small and increase your goals when your routine starts to become more of a habit. For example, maybe aim to write for 15 minutes each day or set a weekly word count goal, something like 500 words. As you get more into your routine you can adjust your goals to suit.

Find a dedicated writing space

Having a dedicated writing space can help you focus on your writing and get into the right mindset. Choose a space that is quiet and comfortable, and free from distractions. This could be a spare room, a corner of your bedroom, or a quiet coffee shop. Switch off any pesky phone notifications and get busy writing.

Schedule your writing time

One of the most important aspects of developing a writing routine is to schedule your writing time. Decide on a specific time each day or week when you will sit down and write. Pick a time when your brain is naturally feeling creative. For me, it’s around 11am. Treat this time as a non-negotiable appointment with yourself, and make sure that you stick to it.

Use prompts and writing exercises

If you're struggling to get started, consider using prompts and writing exercises to kickstart your creativity. There are heaps of resources online that offer writing prompts and exercises that can help you get into the writing mindset – I've even created one for you!

Get yourself a writing accountability buddy

Having an accountability partner can help you stay motivated and on track with your writing routine. Find someone who is also interested in writing, and check-in with each other regularly to share progress and offer support and encouragement. This doesn't even have to be someone you know in real life, there are great online communities in every niche you can think of, so hop on your favourite social platform and start connecting with likeminded people.

Take breaks and rest your brain

Writing can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, so it's important to take regular breaks and rest. Take a walk, read a book, or do something else that relaxes you and helps you recharge. This will help you avoid burnout, fight off writer's block, and stay motivated in the long run.

It's fair to say that establishing and keeping to a regular writing routine takes time and effort, but it's worth it. By implementing the above steps, you can create a routine that works for you and helps you achieve your writing goals.

Remember, consistency is key! Even a small window of writing each day or week will add up to significant progress over time.

~ prb

How to develop and maintain a writing routine.

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