How To Use ChatGPT To Improve Your Efficiency As A Writer

Using ChatGPT as your research assistant.

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Listen up, fellow copywriters. This one’s going to save you a LOT of time.

A while back I wrote about robots coming for our jobs, and my thoughts on AI text generators. Personally, I’m not too concerned. I’m confident humans will always be a part of the writing process, and such advancements in technology are actually incredibly useful if we are willing to embrace them.

When I wrote my previous post, I was mostly experimenting with the Canva Magic Write tool. Since then, I’ve signed up for ChatGPT and been BLOWN AWAY by how it works.

Just, wow.

In this post, I’m spilling the beans on how you can use ChatGPT as a research assistant to boost productivity and save valuable time. Let’s get into it!

Unleashing ChatGPT's Superpowers

Picture this: you have ChatGPT by your side, ready to assist you with any research query. It's almost like having a super enthusiastic intern. All you have to do is provide clear instructions, ask questions, specify the format, sources, and any finer details, and voila! ChatGPT will find and collate the information you need. Don’t like the response? Re-jig your prompt and try again.

Supercharged Topic Exploration

Forget spending hours upon hours researching a new topic. Engage in a lively conversation with ChatGPT, and watch the magic unfold. You can deep dive into different industries, emerging trends, or quirky niche subjects. The responses generated by ChatGPT serve as your guide, pointing you in the right direction.

Gathering Reliable Info from All Sources

We've all been there, deep in a research wormhole searching for that perfect source of information. Now, all you have to do is ask your buddy ChatGPT. Need articles, reports, or white papers? ChatGPT will summon an assortment of reliable sources, providing you with reliable and accurate information in an instant. It will even tell you if it CAN’T confirm the sources as reliable, so you know to do some fact checking.

Fact-Checking: Truth or Dare

None of us want to end up looking foolish due to inaccurate information. Did you know you can send ChatGPT on a fact-finding mission, and it will return with the truth? Of course, you should always remember to double-check the facts or accuracy, but the amount of time this simple activity can save you is huge.

Unleashing Your Inner Writing Superpowers

Not only is ChatGPT an excellent research assistant, it can also help you level up your writing skills. You can literally chat with ChatGPT, requesting suggestions for persuasive and engaging content ideas, and explore different writing styles and tones. Embrace relevant suggestions, learn from your virtual pal, and watch your writing prowess skyrocket!

As someone running multiple businesses, I’m finding ChatGPT to be the most valuable tool in my kit. It’s saving me hours of brainstorming, content planning, and strategising.

Using AI as your research assistant means you can bid farewell to tedious searches and say hello to productivity. Breeze through topic exploration, gather reliable info, fact-check with ease, and unlock the hidden chambers of your writing superpowers.

So, I’ll say it again, don’t fear the robots! Embrace the power of ChatGPT and let it unleash the writing superhero within you. I guarantee this is going to supercharge your success.

Don’t have an account yet? Sign up here for free.

~ prb


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