Are Robots Coming For Our Copywriting Jobs?

Are robots coming for our copywriting jobs? AI text generator. ChatGPT.

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By now you've heard the news. That's right folks, the robots are here and they've learned how to write. Universities and schools are freaking out about it. Sales teams and marketers are loving it. But what do the likes of AI text generators like ChatGPT and Canva Magic Write mean for us copy and content writers?

Are the robots coming to take our jobs??

Claiming to produce everything from catchy taglines to high-converting ad copy, these word-savvy bots might at first seem like the enemy, but can an algorithm really, truly replace a human copywriter? Call me biased (seems fair), but I honestly think the answer is no.

That said, let's dig a little deeper.

Nothing new to see here

AI works by researching and rewriting content that already exists online and is therefore limited by the data it's been fed. It can't come up with new ideas or approaches, so your creativity will be limited to what's already been said. If you want real innovation, you’ll need a human or two.

Robots are psychopaths

A robot, much like a psychopath, has no time for empathy. AI does not have feelings, nor the ability to convey emotion and connection in the same way as a human. Emotion drives us to act, and action is what you want from your customers.

Trust your instincts

Since AI doesn't have any feelings, it can't understand context or nuance, which can lead to miscommunication. AI can't interpret and apply your brand values, vision, or personality to your copy. A robot won't know if something just doesn't feel right. You need a human for that.

Of course, AI generated copy has its perks. Used well, it can provide quick, efficient, and cost-effective content for your website, ads, and social media campaigns. After all, not every piece of writing you produce needs to be a creative masterpiece. Sometimes you just need to get it done.

Instead of being threatened by these bots I personally am happy to embrace them. I don't believe AI will replace copywriters, but instead will become a tool we use to increase efficiency. Case in point: a robot came up with the idea for this blog post.

I'm currently experimenting with Canva's new Magic Write AI feature to break through writer's block, to generate ideas on those days when I just can't seem to get started, to outline drafts, and to generally make my solo freelance writer life easier. If you want to try it out for yourself, you can sign up for a free 2-week trial with Canva Pro.

Ultimately I think AI is here to stay and there's not much we can do except embrace it for what it is: a means to streamline the copywriting process. The key to using it successfully, I believe, will be combining human creativity with machine efficiency, and a solid amount of editing.

What do you think? Are you ready to trust the robots? Let me know in the comments!

~ prb


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